Returns and refunds

The return policy applies in the following cases:

The return period is 30 days from the date of receipt of the package.

The product is defective or received the wrong product.

If your package is lost in transit, please contact customer service by email and we will reissue or refund your money.
The unconditional return policy does not apply in the following cases:

When the customer has placed the wrong order or chosen the wrong size.

We do not accept exchanges of items in packages that have been sent but not received and the charges incurred.

We do not accept returns of custom-made items, unless the item is deemed defective and the site is responsible. The same applies if a player leaves the club or changes team number while at the club.

If there is a slight difference in color, this is normal and the color of the garment may vary slightly depending on the monitor configuration.

Returns will be inspected upon receipt. If the returned item is found to be free of defects, correct and the correct size, we will not accept any charges incurred for the return of the item.

No refunds for garments that include a personalization service, after they have already been produced.
No refunds for orders that have been shipped through logistics, not for quality issues.

This includes, but is not limited to, the above circumstances, please contact customer service for details. This site has the final right of interpretation.

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